To enable the strategy to be implemented is supported by four pillars which will embed a preventative culture at all levels; improve our measures to protect people; deter people from offending; and pursue offenders and bring them to justice.


We need to embed a prevention-first culture.

I will:

  • Ensure those working on the front line are increasingly focused on preventing crime – as opposed to reacting to crime.
  • Train all staff working in a public contact role in preventative policing to a nationally agreed standard.
  • Provide our people with the technology, skills, capacity and personal support to prevent crime and reduce demand.
  • Introduce specialist Cyber Prevention Officers and expand Cyber Volunteering opportunities to prevent cyber crime and victimisation.


We need to put the needs of victims of crime at the centre of everything we do.

I will:

  • Protect frontline policing to keep our communities safer, stronger and more secure.
  • Review services with the Chief Constable to ensure that victims of crime are given full support.


We need to tackle the root causes of offending and support the rehabilitation of people who have offended or who are at risk of offending.

I will:

  • Develop solutions that address repeat offending and break patterns of reoffending.
  • Support local criminal justice partners and ensure that the Police, Youth Offending Services, Crown Prosecution Service, Courts, Community Rehabilitation Company, National Probation Service and Prisons work together to support victims.
  • Liaise with Public Health, Housing, Employment and Mental Health services to ensure that potential offenders get access to the support that they need.
  • Adopt a public health approach to reducing crime. Recognising the symptoms of drug use, alcoholism, gambling, mental health etc, by understanding the causes and intervening early to stop the escalation of symptoms to help reduce criminal and anti-social behaviour.
  • Develop an improved understanding of the needs profile of females who offend.
  • Support the development and use of the Restorative Justice.


We need to identify, target and pursue offenders and bring them to justice: redistribute the proceeds of crime back to local communities and victim support organisations.

I will:

  • Disrupt organised crime at every level ensuring the public can see those who try to profit from crime are pursued and brought to justice.
  • Ensure the Police and partners use the full range of enforcement legislation available to them.
  • Take enforcement action against those who endanger the lives of road users and pedestrians.


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