Invest in neighbourhood policing to reassure the public, provide prevention advice, solve problems, tackle anti-social behaviour and build confidence.
I will:
- Put more Police Officers back on our streets.
- Engage with and empower communities to enable them to play an active role in crime prevention and resolve local issues.
- Ensure Police teams are more visible and accountable – and there is a nominated and visible local officer or PSCO in every neighbourhood.
- Work with partners to ensure the public know where to report issues and access the right services, at the right time from the right agency.
- Explore the feasibility of establishing a Community Orientated Policing (COP) bank similar to the NHS nursing banks to address demand pressures and provide additional capacity to respond to localised problem solving solutions.
- Set up Community Safety Volunteer, Employment and Training (VET) Academy to support, promote careers and volunteering opportunities in the criminal justice sector.
- Work with partners to establish area based multi-agency hubs to support collaborative problem solving approaches to reduce crime, anti-social behaviour and victimisation
- Involve people with lived experience when working with victims of crime, anti-social behaviour, addictions and abuse.
- Appoint an Anti-Social Behaviour Champion to spearhead multi-agency action to address persistent anti-social behaviour and chair Community Trigger resolution meetings.
- Display guidelines on how to enact the (ASB) Community Trigger prominently on websites, notice boards and publications to enable all victims of anti-social behaviour to seek redress.
- Review how the Police, Darlington Council and Durham County Council take ownership of ASB reports to ensure people get the right support at the right time by the right organisation.
- Tackle quality of life issues that matter most to residents such as anti-social behaviour, fly tippling, vandalism and dog fouling.
- Use the full suite of criminal and civic tools and powers to address anti-social behaviour effectively.
- Ensure victims of persistent, unresolved anti-social behaviour are able to access to support as do victims of crime.
- Enable victims of ASB to attend a resolution meeting to explain the impact the ASB behaviour is having on them.
- Encourage victims to submit a written account of the effects of the ASB and be entitled to read it or have it read out on their behalf at the Community Trigger Meeting.
- Lobby the home office to consider replicating legal powers currently available to police in Scotland to enable our officers to serve warnings, fines and seize noisy equipment.