People deserve to feel safe and secure in their own homes and in their communities.
From my Police and Crime Survey I know residents in County Durham and Darlington are concerned about the crime and disorder they see in their neighbourhoods such as antisocial behaviour, drug use and drug dealing, fly tipping, speeding and vandalism.
Ten years of Conservative cuts to policing has slashed hundreds of Police from the front line and those that are left are spending an increasing amount of their time responding to non-crime issues such as vulnerability, public protection and safeguarding. My top priority is reversing these cuts and getting more police and PSCO’s back on our streets.
However policing alone is not the answer. We need better intelligence from our communities to help us prevent crime, protect individuals, deter offending and reoffending and pursue offenders.
Resilient and confident communities are more likely to report crime, environmental crime and anti-social behaviour and work with others to prevent crime and disorder.
Its by working together we will make our communities safer, stronger and more resilient to crime and anti-social behaviour.